Foxtail Golf Club, it’s management and it’s employees are not responsible for theft or loss of personal property.
Best Practices:
- Be sure to write your name on expensive items such as rangefinders and speakers
- Use a bag tag with your name on it to identify your golf bag
- Use club identification labels with your name and phone number on your clubs
- Prior to leaving make sure you have all of your items. The cubbies in the golf carts can be dark – so please check for your phone, wallet, rangefinders, speakers and etc.
Foxtail Staff Pledge
All Foxtail employees have pledged to return items to the designated return area (golf shop) as quickly as possible once found. If the item is found on the golf course – the employee will check with golfers in the area before returning item to clubhouse.
Found Items Policy
Foxtail Golf Club is host to a large numbers of people and the amount of items lost or found can be staggering. We have adopted the following policy in order to help facilitate all lost and found items.
- Lost items deemed to have some value will be kept for 30 days. If item is not picked up after 30 days:
- Items with a value deemed to be under $100
- Items in good condition will be donated. This includes: clothing, towels, hats, good condition golf club and water bottles
- Items not fit for donation: soiled items, smoking and vaping paraphernalia, old items, damaged or other kinds of similar items will be discarded.
- Items with a value deemed to be over $100
- Items be handed over to the Rohnert Park Police department. Phone number 707.584.2600
- Items with a value deemed to be under $100
- Items will little to no value will be discarded (examples include unsafe items, broken items, golf tees, used golf balls, biohazardous and etc).